White Chalk Gallery showcases artists and makers that create incredible work throughout the British Isles.

White Chalk Gallery has a exhibition space on the ground floor, check out our homepage to see the current show and a craft gallery shop upstairs which features a variety of artists and makers work.
Every handmade item or artistic work has a special quality and brings pleasure both to the creator and to the eventual buyer. To place these items in our homes or to gift them brings never ending joy.
This is a contemporary gallery featuring paintings, prints, ceramics, glass, textiles and jewellery which is run by artist, Bryony Cox
Fine British crafts in the heart of a Georgian market town.
The White Chalk Gallery Story
The roots of White Chalk Gallery started to form whilst I worked as a Saturday girl in a gallery when I was around 16 years old.
I just loved being around the exquisite items from makers all over the UK. Seeing this fantastic craftsmanship made me feel passionate about the importance of the handmade in our homes. Lovingly crafted items that can never be exactly the same have such a special quality and I strongly felt that creating a setting to show off the exquisite work was really exciting. There was so much joy in seeing fantastic crafts and artwork curated together.
I saw the wonder of creating a relaxing space where people can come and experience beautiful items and felt this would be at the heart of White Chalk Gallery. The gallery would be very much centered on celebrating crafts. This embryo of an idea I trusted would happen one day when the time was right and so I made notes of the wonderful makers that I came across whom I admired and might stock. I continued to work in the local gallery in my holidays from university where I was studying for a Contemporary Crafts BA.
During my first year of studies I had quite a serious burns accident. This set me on a different path as I moved degree course to study drawing. All these visual skills and seeing the arts with an open inquisitive mind I knew would be important when I did eventually start White Chalk Gallery.
After my degree, I lived and travelled extensively in Asia which greatly influences my artwork. I undertook various commissions and exhibitions and settled back in Wiltshire for a time becoming transfixed by the ever moving skies and sense of space that this landscape brings.
I recently studied for an MA in Actor Musicianship and my research centered around creatives using whatever outlet they needed in order to demolish the boundaries between artwork, acting, music and film. I found myself using animation at this time and subsequently completed an animation course with Aardman Animations online during the pandemic. All the training that I have received continues to help shape and form the idea of what a gallery could potentially be. White Chalk Gallery is very much in its infancy and it will be exciting to see where it goes.
Why White Chalk Gallery you might ask? As an artist I always struggled to find the perfect white, so many were too cream or just not bright white enough so it has a personal element and, of course, the gallery is situated in Wiltshire with its beautiful chalk hills.