Jitka Palmer
My work is figurative, narrative and expressive. I love using colour.I strive to create work full of energy and life. I work in clay, carve stone, paint and draw.
I was born in Prague. I studied medicine and worked as an anatomist. In 1985 I moved to Britain. I studied Ceramics at Croydon College of Art and Design and set up my first studio in London with the help of a Crafts Council Setting Up Grant. I studied Stone Masonry at City of Bath College I live and work in Bristol.
I make clay vessels and sculptures, painted with slips, oxides and stains. I carve sculptures from Bath and Portland stone. I draw and paint on paper in watercolour, pastel and ink. I have exhibited in Britain, Europe and USA. I like working to commission.
I draw on personal experiences, past and present, with a view to reflect the spontaneity of ordinary human life. I love watching people, their body language and facial expressions and I am on lookout for a special moments and situations accompanying every human activity.